we have a beautiful litter of 11 ( 7 girls ) ( 4 boys ) quality American bully puppies.They have everything colour, structure, temperament and health, these pups will come with abkc paperwork, vaccinations, wormed, flead and vet checked, both parents have exceptional quality and bloodline, with dam from steel house bully’s the famous HARLEY QUINN xCLYDE and sire being 1st pick male direct from bossy kennels in America the son of BOSSYS LILY xBOSSYS ROME 🦍🧬🩸some of the blood include , dam is stacked with top Bossy Kennels Karma, Bossy kennels Lucious the
Lyon ,Topdogbullies Hades ,Topdogbullies El Cucuy
Topdogbullies The Boogieman , Atl's Ice man Shorty, Frank
Colones King, Illicit bullies Ghost, Bossy's Silverback, Bossy's
Adios, 6x nIp Showstopping Ace. And sire is stacked with bossys lily, bossys Rome , rsides king slayer, primeyards butterscotch, bossys sox and bossys WILLY WONKA just to name a few. I will update pictures of puppies as they grow, feel free to msg and I can send you pictures of the dad and videos , also recent updated pictures and videos of the puppies, These dogs would be perfect to add to your program or as a family companion.These are true to the breed and type of the American bully and can assure you these are some of the best bully’s in the country, The whole litter is 🔥,we have lillacs, chocolate tri, champagne ,chocolate tri Merle and lilac Merle of 7 females and 4 males which are brought up in our loving family home around our children ! DEPOSITS ARE BEING TAKEN,any further information don’t hesitate to contact 📲📲 starting from £ 2,000 DM FOR VIDOES ON SIRE AND RECENT ONES OF PUPPIES, 📲📲07568086940 ( all our dogs are brought up in family home around our 2 young children all pups have lovely temperament)
Female chocolate tri split face SOLD ❌
Female lilac Merle AVAILABLE 5k✅
Female lilac AVAILABLE 3k✅
Female chocolate tri AVAILABLE 3.5k ✅
Female champagne SOLD ❌
Female champagne AVAILABLE 2.5k ✅
Female champagne AVAILABLE 2.5 k✅
Male lilac Merle SOLD ❌
Male chocolate tri Merle AVAILABLE 4 k✅
Male chocolate tri AVAILABLE 3k ✅
Male red SOLD ❌
Male champagne AVAILABLE 2k ✅