Freddy boy for stud Son of Dragonborn Khal Drogo 29 generations available of which 7 are complete. Don choc at dezignerbulls, Mario valesko crimea Esex. Good quality stock.
DNA, colour panel tested, sperm tested. Lovely boy, amazing temperament. CMR1 (negative) CY3 – var.2 (one copy) CY3 – var.3 (negative) DM (clear) HUU (clear) JHC (clear) Carries: A-locus - AY/at. Co/co two copies of cocca. D-locus- two copies associated with dilute coat colour, base colour dilute. EM/e- one copy of cream/yellow one copy of mask. n/S – one copy of S-locus. All paperwork provided on request.